AED 찾기(제세동기, 자동심장충격기)

by hanbae



Golden time for cardiac arrest patients, it depends on AEDhands off time The golden time to increase the survival rate of patients with acute cardiac arrest is 4 minutes.Whenever first aid is delayed by 1 minute after cardiac arrest, the patients survival rate decreases by 7-10%, but if CPR and the use of anAutomated External Defibrillator (AED) within 4 minutes, the survival rate is increased to 80%. I can. Such cardiac arrest patients can save their precious lives by performing CPR and AED during Golden Time. However, at present, it is not easy to expect a “four minute miracle” to save the hearts of cardiac arrest patients.* Source: Medical Times Function -Location-based AED search -Address-based AED search2. Required authority - location